Ongoing Work
You can see my ongoing project artifacts on this page. Message me if you want to know the big picture about any of these pieces. If you want to know more about my design process, go to my Selected Work.
Brightspace LMS Implementation
Bentley University is implementing a new digital learning platform after 21 years of using Blackboard.
I designed a comprehensive webpage of knowledge articles and video tutorials for faculty users using Drupal, ServiceNow, Canva, and Kaltura.
Creatore: Mobile app connecting SMBs & creators
Small and midsize businesses (SMBs) want to hire creators of mid-level reach for projects of various sizes. This app makes it easy for them to filter candidates based on a 'Creator Score' algorithm, enter into a contract, and track project to completion.
I engaged in research, designed user flows, sketches, wireframes, and hi-fidelity app screens on Figma. This app is currently under development.
UXPA Community Building
I hold a volunteer board member position with UXPA Boston. My digital + analog responsibilities include working towards increasing membership count, supervising website redesign, marketing, represent the community at social and virtual events, and so on.
Information Architecture Review and Website Mockups
Bentley University wants to create a learning resource gateway for faculty to easily access innovative design resources, showcase projects, and receive technological consultations from experts.
I audited existing pathways, website design components and pain points to provide recommendations and mockups to make the learning gateway easily accessible and intuitive. This project is currently a work in progress.