VR Experience Design
In April 2022, I created a Figma prototype of a show-me-around campus augmented view.
I created this, as a UX Designer, while experimenting with Figma, as a personal project.
Project Overview
Problem: Navigating a school campus can be difficult and overwhelming for new students. They are usually excited to make an impression, perhaps nervous about beginning a new phase of life, but also ready to explore and enjoy the resources being offered!
Approach: A 360° navigation experience with overlays of crowdsourced information and recommendations. A hi-fidelity prototype of a campus navigation experience tool created, with augmented overlays of information. The user can explore parts of the campus and read more about infrastructure, campus hotspots, shortcuts to avoid stairs and much more!
My Role: All aspects of this design were created by me, the primary design tool being Figma.
As soon as I had defined the problem, I brought out good old pen and paper for a sketch.
Step 1: Sketch and annotate
To create the prototype, I downloaded a panoramic view of the school campus (Source: istreetview.com) and figured out a few areas of interest.
In Figma, I used white circles to mark these areas on the image and added translucent rectangles for labelling.
Step 2: Marked areas of interest
Creating the overlays was a challenge- I experimented with colors, keeping in mind the contrast for readability, and designed the interface carefully.
Step 3: Designed the overlays
I created an introductory screen and added a social experience indicator.
Step 4: Designed the introductory screen.
I adjusted frames in Figma to create a VR movement effect. Here is a snapshot of how the frames were adjusted to center the areas of interest, keeping in mind the placement of the information overlays.
Step 5: Adjusted frames for the VR movement effect
Key Takeaways and Learning:
This prototype is a personal project and is not for commercial use. As next steps, I would like to explore further:
Export the prototype to Unity and try it out on a VR headset.
Close the gap on how a user would be able to scan a location and launch the overlays.
Decipher the social connection and how information would be crowdsourced.